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I had to have surgery on my

I had to have surgery on my wrist again and I made them put me to sleep before they put my IV in and cut my cast off just like they did in real life when I had the surgery. The surgery in my dream only lasted 10 minutes and I didnt have a cast or anything on my arm after surgery. but when i had the actual surgery a long time ago in real life I had a cast on my arm that went up to my armpit.

Dream one: i dreamt of me seeing

Dream one: i dreamt of me seeing my ex with my friends and visiting her house while imagining the car i was driving was hers but it was too problematic with it falling apart and me trying to figure how to fix it. I remember being angry about someones big bible being soaked and thrown away nd their explanation was that it was worn out.

My daughter is pregnant and the other

My daughter is pregnant and the other night she dreamt that the baby stuck her leg out and got it stuck and couldnt get it back in and the day after a friend had the same dream only it was an arm not a leg. My dughter hadnt told the other person about the dream so it was a surprise when she told my daughter.

The zombie apocalypse has happened overnight, i

The zombie apocalypse has happened overnight, i have myy boyfriend and father with me. i'm smart enough to have both a gun (9mm to be exact) and a bow knife. my dad's friend/employer (exists in the waking world) brought him an assault rifle, dad was nervous about having it. i don't have much else in my pack. we take shelter in my dad's appartment (doesn't actually exist in the waking world) but my boyfriend and i were so curious we went out to do some exploring. it being so early in the apocalypse, there weren't many of the undead, just enough to worry me. we didn't pick up any supplies and almost got attacked but someone else became zombie bait. we stop on a farm and watch a small herd of zombies get napalmed via the government. we trekked back to my dad's appartment which was worse than when we'd left. i did some nervous walking around in the building and stumbled upon a large room of survivors amongst them my aunt and cousin. i was crying with joy when i realized i didn't have either of my weapons on me. i went upstairs and checked my bag but no luck there either. night is falling and i fear how i'm going to protect my family, i'm acutely aware of how vulnerable we are, especially with the group of survivors downstairs. then i wake up with the residue of bad dream on my tongue.

I had a dream about money. I

I had a dream about money. I was with my friends and we three were coming from a party. One of my friends realized he lost his wallet and is left with no money. then something happened he found Rs. 510 on street and he picked the money...after going for 10-20 meters he again found Rs. 510 it happened for about 10-11 times. and then we all went to our places. next morning(in the dream only) i was going to buy some food and i too found rs.510 on the side of street and i picked then i walked for 10-20 meters and i saw Rs. 100 but i didn't pick this time i found Rs. 100 for 4-5 times but i didnot pick any more money. After it when i took the money in my hands its color started fading and all of a suddedn the Rs 500 note turned in white paper and another Rs 10 note was tempered with the note series number. Then i asked my frined the same had happened with him too....i am not able to understand its meaning.

When i am ill i have a

When i am ill i have a reoccuring dream. In it there is a rod in an open desert. It streaches out as far as the eye can see. I am not in the dream only seeing it before me. The rod bends suddenly much as a heart rate monitor would do and does that many time. eventually it is twisting out of control changing colors and my whole view is nothing but a tangled jumpled mass of vivid wild colors and a feeling of deep loss and sadness.

I dream of my sister getting married,but

I dream of my sister getting married,but before that thr unusual thing that have happened is in my dream one of the past suitor that i haven\'t spoken for months was there and were really close like nothing have happened.